Welcome to the show! Healthcare Transformation stories is designed for those who aspire to transform healthcare. Each week you’ll hear a new interview from one of the nations top executives or researchers.
First, let me tell you what Stories is all about:


Through the power of storytelling and narrative, Healthcare Transformation Stories Podcast inspires critical thought, disseminates best practices, increases leadership capacity, and influences decision makers to transform the United States healthcare industry.


The Healthcare Transformation Stories Podcast will be the premier on-demand source of insight on the challenges and opportunities facing healthcare leaders across the United States. We will be the podcast of choice for healthcare leaders everywhere.


Narrative – The power to grab attention and inspire change is most effectively brought about by thoughtful, compelling narratives. Each episode will lead the listener through a crafted and engaging story.

Leadership –  Content will improve the leadership capacity of existing leaders and develop future leaders.

Humor– Come for the insights and stay for the laughs.


LINK – sign up to know when STORIES will be launching



As a young healthcare professional, I see a massive gap in the way our profession shares and promotes best practices. The current distribution apparatus of magazines and conferences does not match with the real world on-demand needs of today’s healthcare leaders. If you’re out there trying to transform healthcare, your resources for finding best practices is rather limited. There are incredible things going on around us, but not enough opportunities  to spread the word. Transformation Stories is going to be the place for healthcare leaders to find best practices in a fun and engaging format.


Have you listened to any of the podcasts out there about healthcare leadership? Snooze. I promise to never force you to sit through a panel of experts dissecting the gritty details of the medical device tax under the ACA.

Stories and narrative have the power to influence in a way that is vastly superior to sterile expert panels or written reports in dense journals. On Transformation Stories you’re not going to get dry and lifeless panel discussions – you’re going to get stories and narrative from where the work happens. I will be taking you out of the office or car or gym or wherever your tender ears listen and put you on the front lines of healthcare transformation. Think Radio Lab for healthcare leadership.


I have three specific listeners in mind for this podcast:

1. New leaders like myself who want to be better educated about what’s important in healthcare leadership.
2. Leaders who feel that the jump to executive level is imminent, and want to be best prepared to lead the transformation of healthcare.
3. Executives who are already actively leading that transformation, who are hungry for best practices from around the nation.



Healthcare Transformation Stories is your chance to get out of the proverbial office –  to go and hear – the best practices from all across the country. Here’s a sneak peak of what we have in store:
  • Britt Berrett, former CEO of Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas and author of “Patients Come Second”, will come on the show to discuss employee engagement.
  • Doug Cropper, CEO of Genesis Healthcare in the Quad Cities of Iowa, will be on to talk about population health and getting rid of fee-for-service contracts.
  • Jean Abraham, former economic advisor to the Obama Administration, will join us to talk policy and educating the next generation of leaders.
  • You’ll hear our “making the jump” series – an in depth multi-part series on making the jump from manager to director, to VP, to C level executive.
  • Dave deBronkhart AKA E-Patient Dave, will expand our definition of patient engagement beyond satisfaction scores.
  • We’ll hear stories about going for Baldrige.
  • We’ll hear stories about achieving Magnet Recognition.
  • We’ll hear about diversity as an asset.
  • We’ll hear the theory and practice of innovative costing methods with the promise to lower the cost of care.
  • We’ll hear about mergers an acquisitions – when to acquire vs. JV?



Stories will launch it’s first 3 episodes all at one time on March 14, 2016. After that new episodes will be available weekly each Tuesday. I’m collarbone deep trying to wrangle up as many guests as I can so I have plenty of content to deliver.

LINK – sign up to know when STORIES will be launching



Are you leading a healthcare transformation? Then come on the show! As long as you’re passionate about what you do, have good stories to tell, and are able to handle a few well-intentioned jabs from the host then you’re welcome to come on anytime. Send me an email at jameswood877@gmail.com with some information about you and what you’d like to talk about and I’ll take it from there.


I truly believe that this podcast can rapidly improve the way we deliver healthcare in the United States.

Jamie W.